This integration allows for notifications from custom scripts. This means you can create any script you want to run and add a webhook with the JSON payload below so you get notified about it.
By sending them through this integration you can keep track of how many it has sent, when the last one was, status code, etc
notification: {
update: false, // Optional (Bool) - This is used to update an existing message with the same id, true will update existing & false will always post new
name: "Local App", // Required (Str) - This is the name of the custom app/script, should be unique
event: "0" // Optional (Str) - This is used to pass a unique id for this notification if necessary
discord: {
color: "", // Optional (Str) - The color you want to use for the notification, 6 digit HTML color code
ping: {
pingUser: 123456789, // Optional (Int) - If you want to ping a user with this notification, add their discord id
pingRole: 0 // Optional (Int) - If you want to ping a role with this notification, add the role discord id
images: {
thumbnail: "", //-- Optional (Str) - Add a valid URL to a thumbnail
image: "" //-- Optional (Str) - Add a valid URL to an image that will be on the bottom of the notification
text: {
title: "Notification Title", // Optional (Str)
icon: "", // Optional (Str) - Add a valid URL
content: "", //-- Optional - (Str) This text goes above the embed and is what is seen in toast notifications and wearables
description: "", // Optional if fields is used (Str) - This text goes between the title and the embeds
fields: [{ // Optional if description is used (List) - This is a list of items to put in the notification, 25 max fields allowed
title: "Field",
text: "Field Text",
inline: false
}, {
title: "Field", // (Str)
text: "Field Text", // (Str)
inline: false // (Bool)
footer: "Footer text" // Optional (Str)
ids: {
channel: 1234567890 // Required (Int) - This is the channel to send the notification to on your server
"notification": {
"update": false,
"name": "1:1 App",
"event": "12345"
"discord": {
"color": "FFFFFF",
"ping": {
"pingUser": 0,
"pingRole": 0
"images": {
"thumbnail": "",
"image": ""
"text": {
"title": "Notification Title",
"icon": "",
"content": "Content of the notification here",
"description": "Body of the notification here",
"fields": [],
"footer": "Footer Text"
"ids": {
"channel": 735481457153277994
"notification": {
"update": true,
"name": "Update App",
"event": ""
"discord": {
"color": "000000",
"ping": {
"pingUser": 543077981707436033,
"pingRole": 0
"images": {
"thumbnail": "",
"image": ""
"text": {
"title": "Notification Title",
"icon": "",
"content": "Content of the notification here",
"description": "Body of the notification here",
"fields": [{
"title": "Field Title",
"text": "Inline true",
"inline": true
}, {
"title": "Field Title",
"text": "Inline true",
"inline": true
}, {
"title": "Field Title",
"text": "Inline false",
"inline": false
"footer": ""
"ids": {
"channel": 735481457153277994
import json
import subprocess
NOTIFIARR_PY = '/path/to/'
webhook = "python " + NOTIFIARR_PY + " -e \" Errors\" -c 631827062348512345 -m \"FFA500\" -t \"Error ("+ str(counter) +"/"+ str(totalErrors) +")\" -b \"URLs found with errors\" -g \"" + json.dumps(inlineFields).replace('"', r'\"') + "\" -f \"" + json.dumps(singleFields).replace('"', r'\"') + "\" -a \"\" -z \"Passthrough Integration\""
import argparse
import json
import requests
# Example
# python -e "System Backup" -c 735481457153277994 -m "FFA500" -t "Backup Failed" -f "[{\"Reason\": \"Permissions error\"}, {\"Severity\": \"Critical\"}]" -a "" -z "Passthrough Integration"
# python -e "System Backup" -c 735481457153277994 -m "FFA500" -t "Backup Failed" -b "Critical permissions error" -a "" -z "Passthrough Integration"
# The apikey from Passthrough integration (located in Basic Instructions)
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Example: python -e "System Backup" -c 735481457153277994 -m "FFA500" -t "Backup Failed" -f "[{\\"Reason\\": \\"Permissions error\\"}, {\\"Severity\\": \\"Critical\\"}]" -g "[{\\"Reason\\": \\"Permissions error\\"}, {\\"Severity\\": \\"Critical\\"}]" -a "" -z "Passthrough Integration"')
parser.add_argument('-e', '--event', dest='event', help='notification type (rclone for example)', type=str, required=True, metavar='')
parser.add_argument('-c', '--channel', dest='channel', help='valid discord channel id', type=int, required=True, metavar='')
parser.add_argument('-t', '--title', dest='title', help='text title of message (rclone started for example)', type=str, required=True, metavar='')
parser.add_argument('-b', '--body', dest='body', help='if fields is not used, text body for message', type=str, metavar='')
parser.add_argument('-f', '--fields', dest='fields_not_inline', help='if body is not used, valid JSON list of fields [{title,text},{title,text}] max 25 list items (not inline)', type=str, metavar='')
parser.add_argument('-g', '--inline', dest='fields_inline', help='if body is not used, valid JSON list of fields [{title,text},{title,text}] max 25 list items (inline)', type=str, metavar='')
parser.add_argument('-z', '--footer', dest='footer', help='text footer of message', default='', type=str, metavar='')
parser.add_argument('-a', '--avatar', dest='avatar', help='valid url to image', default='', type=str, metavar='')
parser.add_argument('-i', '--thumbnail', dest='thumbnail', help='valid url to image', default='', type=str, metavar='')
parser.add_argument('-m', '--color', dest='color', help='6 digit html code for the color', default='', type=str, metavar='')
parser.add_argument('-u', '--ping-user', dest='ping_user', help='valid discord user id', default=0, type=int, metavar='')
parser.add_argument('-r', '--ping-role', dest='ping_role', help='valid discord role id', default=0, type=int, metavar='')
args = parser.parse_args()
raise Exception('ERROR: Edit the script and add your Notifiarr apikey')
if not args.body and not args.fields_not_inline and not args.fields_inline:
raise Exception('ERROR: Either -b/--body or -f/--fields or -g/--inline is required')
inlineFields = []
singleFields = []
if args.fields_inline:
inlineFields = [{'title': t, 'text': x, 'inline': True} for f in json.loads(args.fields_inline) for t, x in f.items()] if args.fields_inline else []
if args.fields_not_inline:
singleFields = [{'title': t, 'text': x, 'inline': False} for f in json.loads(args.fields_not_inline) for t, x in f.items()] if args.fields_not_inline else []
fields = inlineFields + singleFields
notifiarr_payload = {
'notification': {
'update': False,
'name': args.event,
'event': 0
'discord': {
'color': args.color,
'ping': {
'pingUser': args.ping_user,
'pingRole': args.ping_role
'images': {
'thumbnail': args.thumbnail,
'image': ''
'text': {
'title': args.title,
'icon': args.avatar,
'content': '',
'description': args.body,
'fields': fields,
'footer': args.footer
'ids': {
r ='{NOTIFIARR_APIKEY}', data=json.dumps(notifiarr_payload), headers={'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'text/plain'})