Find directions below to install the client and dependencies.
Linux repository hosting provided by
This works on any system with
. If your system does not use APT or YUM, then download a binary from the Releases page and install it.
On Linux, Notifiarr runs as
Install the Go Lift package repo and Notifiarr with this command:
curl -s | sudo bash -s - notifiarr
After install, edit the config, set your apikey, and restart the service:
sudo nano /etc/notifiarr/notifiarr.conf
sudo systemctl restart notifiarr
using the aur
package from the Releases page.user:group
of notifiarr:notifiarr
.Example of the above in shell form:
wget -qO- | sudo bash
vi /usr/local/etc/notifiarr/notifiarr.conf
service notifiarr start
Please be aware none of us (Devs, Suppprt, etc.) use this but hopefully for those who do this is helpful.
This is the recommend installation method for macOS.
file from the Releases page.~/.notifiarr/notifiarr.conf
Homebrew is not recommend, and may be discontinued in the future.
The above in shell form:
brew install golift/mugs/notifiarr
vi /usr/local/etc/notifiarr/notifiarr.conf
brew services start notifiarr
Suggested location and structure based on expierence with permissions
- The ApplicationC:\ProgramData\notifiarr\notifiarr.conf
- The config file. Should only be used to configure the apikey and enable the webui.C:\ProgramData\notifiarr\logs
- Folder for log filesnotifiarr
, so you now have C:\ProgramData\notifiarr\logs
from the Releases pageC:\ProgramData\notifiarr
+ example .conf
files up one directory so it is located at
file that was downloaded and the folder that was extractednotifiarr.conf.example
to notifiarr.conf
to C:\ProgramData\notifiarr\notifiarr.amd64.exe
C:\users\<your home folder>\.notifiarr
folder exists, delete it.exe
and create a shortcut
C:\Windows\System32\conhost.exe C:\ProgramData\notifiarr\notifiarr.amd64.exe
which will minimize the console to the tray when it is ranshell:startup
, then select OK. This opens the Startup folder.ui_password
to get the credentialsRun the below command while ssh’d in to the NAS. It will run the Syno Install Script located on the Notifiarr Repository
curl -sSL | sudo bash
This project builds automatically in Docker Cloud and creates ready-to-use multi-architecture images. The latest
tag is always a tagged release in GitHub.
A sample docker compose file may be found in the Github repo here.
Unraid Users
You must configure a Notifiarr API Key in the Unraid Template. If you wish to use Plex then you’ll also need to set the Plex Token and Plex URL in the template as well.
Docker Users
Note that Docker Environmental Variables - and thus the Unraid Template - override the Config file.
to use smartctl
) and/or MegaCli
volume if you want to count users./mnt/nas/data:/synonas
You MUST set a static hostname. Each client is identified by hostname.
docker pull golift/notifiarr
docker run --name notifiarr -h notifiarr --restart unless-stopped --privileged -p 5454:5454 -v /path/to/notifiarrconfig/:/config -v /var/run/utmp:/var/run/utmp -v /etc/machine-id:/etc/machine-id golift/notifiarr
docker logs notifiarr
See Configuration Instructions Here to use the Web UI to configure the client
See below for more information about which environment variables are available.
docker pull golift/notifiarr
docker run --hostname $(hostname) -d --privileged \
-v /var/run/utmp:/var/run/utmp \
-e "DN_API_KEY=abcdef-12345-bcfead-43312-bbbaaa-123" \
-e "DN_SONARR_0_URL=http://localhost:8989" \
-e "DN_SONARR_0_API_KEY=kjsdkasjdaksdj" \
docker logs <container id from docker run>
Please be aware none of us (Devs, Support, etc.) use this but hopefully for those who do this is helpful.
Home Assistant Addon, the person to ask for help is @ZanY
on the Notifiarr discord (if they are no longer a member, try their Github)
Please be aware none of us (Devs, Suppprt, etc.) use this but hopefully for those who do this is helpful.
This application can take a snapshot of your system at an interval and send
you a notification. Snapshot means system health like cpu, memory, disk, raid, users, etc.
Other data available in the snapshot: mysql health, iotop
, iostat
and top
Some of this may only be available on Linux, but other platforms have similar abilities.
If you monitor drive health you must have smartmontools (smartctl
) installed.
If you use smartctl on Linux, you must enable sudo. Add the sudoers entry below to
and fix the path to smartctl
if yours differs. If you monitor
raid and use MegaCli (LSI card), add the appropriate sudoers entry for that too.
To monitor application disk I/O you may install iotop
and add the sudoers entry
for it, shown below. This feature is enabled on the website.
The following sudoers entries are used by various snapshot features. Add them if you use the respective feature.
You can usually just put the following content into /etc/sudoers
or /etc/sudoers.d/00-notifiarr
Make sure the 00-notifiarr file has the proper permissions needed chmod 400 /etc/sudoers.d/00-notifiarr
# Allows drive health monitoring on macOS, Linux/Docker and FreeBSD.
notifiarr ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:/usr/sbin/smartctl *
# Allows disk utilization monitoring on Linux (non-Docker).
notifiarr ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:/usr/sbin/iotop *
# Allows monitoring megaraid volumes on macOS, Linux/Docker and FreeBSD.
# Rarely needed, and you'll know if you need this.
notifiarr ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:/usr/sbin/MegaCli64 -LDInfo -Lall -aALL
- get it here
apt install smartmontools
yum install smartmontools
mode.opkg install smartmontools
, but first get Entware:
Please be aware none of us (Devs, Suppprt, etc.) use this but hopefully for those who do this is helpful.
SSH into your Ultra Seedbox
On your landing directory type mkdir notifiarr
Type cd notifiarr
On find the latest release asset labelled notifiarr.amd64.linux.gz, right click on that and click copy link.
Back on your terminal type wget '<paste link>'
Type gzip -d notifiarr.*
Type mv notifiarr.* notifiarr
Type chmod +x notifiarr
In the notifiarr folder create notifiarr.conf from this:
Type cd /home/$USER/.config/systemd/user
Type nano notifiarr.service
Paste the below
# Systemd service unit for notifiarr.
Description=notifiarr - Official chat integration client for
ExecStart=/home/$USER/notifiarr/notifiarr \$DAEMON_OPTS
Type systemctl --user enable notifiarr
Type systemctl --user start notifiarr
Type systemctl --user status notifiarr
to check if there are any errors.
On your browser go to http://[ultraseedbox url]:5454
Log into your Notifarr client and change the base url to /notifiarr and save changes
Go back to your ssh console
Type cd /home/$USER/.apps/nginx/proxy.d
Type nano notifiarr.conf
Paste the below
location /notifiarr {
# <put proxy auth directives here> Optional:
# proxy_set_header X-WebAuth-User $auth_user;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
set $notifiarr;
proxy_pass $notifiarr$request_uri;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection $http_connection;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
# Notifiarr Client
location /notifiarr/api {
deny all; # remove this line if you really want to expose the API.
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
set $notifiarr;
proxy_pass $notifiarr$request_uri;
Type systemctl --user restart nginx
Now you should be able to browse to https://[ultraseedbox url]/notifiarr